Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Newman and Me

We're getting ready to leave the Island for a while. Here's us at a favorite spot...
Leaving sucks.

Shoe Cove

A few weeks ago we went for a hike to Shoe Cove with some friends, including 6 or 7 other Newfoundland dogs. Here Newman is waiting for Hugo to drop his sandwich - when all else fails, cool off in the ocean!

Mikey and Newman

Mike took Newman for a little breath of fresh air the other night... what a pair!!

Newman at Cape Spear

On the most easterly edge of the continent, Newman looks out at some birds nesting in the rocks!

Newman and Linda

Newman met Linda at Cape Spear last week. It seemed to be love at first sight! Linda was visiting from Tennessee...

Sunday, July 02, 2006

the punch bowl

A couple of days ago Newman and I tried out a new walking spot called The Punch Bowl. It's a great trail out near Cape Spear with quite a few really nice ponds and beautiful rock formations. In this second picture Newman hears a bull frog and ventures into the swamp for a look!

Newman and Sheeba

Sheeba, a lovely 7 year old Rottweiler, came to visit for a couple of days last week. Newman was a decent host, although didn't quite know what to make of Sheeba when she hopped onto his place on the couch!


Newman took his first camping trip to Backside Pond, Green's Harbour last weekend, along with Brenda, Susan and myself. He loved the experience of outdoor living and was perfect in the tent! This first picture is of Newman watching Brenda pee:), the other is of some fisherman pulling in their lobster pots - a view we had right from our campfire...

Lilly Dave Bride - February 4 2004 - June 30 2005

On June 30th Newman and I remembered the one year anniversary of Lilly's death. We thought it time she made a big appearance on this blog!